

by 珍妮·卢波夫,19岁

Each September, Skidmore students arrive on campus enjoying summer fun and 80-degree 太阳. 的n, we blink, and suddenly we’re bundled up and our natural paradise has turned as golden and crisp as the apple crumble in the Murray-Aikins Dining Hall.

This change in season ushers in an unspoken urgency: winter is coming. 这里有 only a few short weeks to experience all that fall has to offer (and post it to Instagram). Ever the optimists, we pack our schedules with old favorites, as well as a few special Skidmore 传统.


1. 吃一顿主题晚餐



的re are many reasons to love our award-winning Murray-Aikins Dining Hall. 主题 晚餐是其一. Year-round our gold-medal dining services staff decorate and design delightful culinary experiences based on favorite movies or moments in history. 的 秋季迭代是学生们的最爱.

一年一度的 farmers market dinner showcases foods from local farms for a delicious, 可持续的餐. 的 harvest dinner, produced almost entirely by volunteers, features 我们社区花园的馈赠. 还有一些特别的晚宴 这是无法用语言表达的. 想象一下步入一个羽翼丰满的 感官体验. 也许是《火博体育官网》或者魔法 哈利波特的世界……你必须在这里找到答案.  

2. 去摘苹果


Welcome to Upstate New York, where you’ll succumb to the pure magnetism apple picking 似乎有. 对于火博体育的学生来说,萨拉托加苹果是一个值得去的地方. 一切都结束了 20 types of apples to choose from, as well as other fresh fruits and vegetables. 但 the real cherry on top (forgive the bad cliche) is the warm cider donuts, which “have been known to inspire jealousy, ecstasy, and even inter-state travel.”

3. 在大秀上摇滚


Big Show, put on by Skidmore’s Student Entertainment Committee, is a defining concert 在火博体育的经历. 每年十月,学生们都会前往威廉姆森博物馆 体育中心体育馆举办大型演出. 过去的节目包括喜剧演员汉尼拔 Buress, rapper and poet, Noname, and most recently, musicians Jamila Woods and Yaeji.

4. 与家人和朋友一起庆祝火博体育



你几乎不会错过这个. 你所要做的就是睁大眼睛看一天 in October when there’s a noticeable increase of parents, siblings and dogs on campus — sure signs it’s Celebration Weekend, Skidmore’s annual open house for Skidmore families 和朋友.

A pinnacle fall event, Celebration Weekend features dozens of activities highlighting 校园和萨拉托加斯普林斯的精英中的精英. 有足球比赛,散步 旅游、音乐表演、艺术展览、远足、五公里长跑等等. 但真正值得上ins的 moments come from strolling our perfect college town surrounded by Skidmore families 享受丰富的餐厅和迷人的精品店.

5. 捕捉秋天的树叶 


As the leaves begin to turn and fall, scattering the ground with hues of deep orange and red, our campus and its surrounding region are more beautiful than ever. 是否 you grab your phone, your camera, or just take a mental picture, it’s practically 要求你到户外去.

Skidmore students can be found hiking in the Adirondacks, taking leisurely strolls in our own North Woods and hanging around on our campus, probably in a hammock.

6. 过一个有创意的万圣节



创意思维在火博体育很重要,即使穿着万圣节服装. 只有在这里 you be entirely amazed by the student sitting next to you in 英语 class in a full-out, 手工制作,完全逼真的服装.

After that, you can take a stroll down Broadway to witness the fun, quirky and sometimes truly outrageous decorations adorning the 19th-century mansions before wrapping it all up at Village Treats, handing out candy from your Northwoods Apartment to (adorably 火博体育教职员工的孩子们.

7. 在餐厅周期间探索萨拉托加

图片由 Instagram上的@mariagland3r. 

Nationally ranked one of the top five towns with the most 餐厅 per capita, 萨拉托加泉是名副其实的美食胜地. 当然是萨拉托加的餐厅周 梦想成真,是秋天的最爱吗.

Patrons can enjoy a $20 or $30 three-course meal or a $10 lunch special at participating 餐厅. With so many options so close to campus, Restaurant Week offers the perfect chance for a college student to explore — at a fixed price — the exceptional 餐厅 萨拉托加必须提供.

8. 在Beatlemore Skidmania上一起唱歌

Skidmore students performing on stage for a Beatles tribute concert

Skidmore students performing on stage for a Beatles tribute concert

Beatlemore Skidmania is deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of Skidmore. 一年一度的 tribute concert was initially inspired by students in a Beatles seminar who just wanted 和他们的朋友玩几首歌. 现在,这个活动非常受欢迎,以至于挤满了 biggest concert hall on campus for three sold-out shows and is live-streamed for alumni 全世界的粉丝都能看到.

9. 收拾好冰场



Held annually at the Saratoga City Rink, 收拾好冰场 is an exciting home game to 开启火博体育冰球赛季的开幕周末. 数百名粉丝免费赢得比赛 t恤和参加其他几十个奖项的比赛. 也鼓励粉丝 to bring canned goods with them for the Skidmore Cares food drive. 作为一个整体 free event with Skidmore transportation, there no excuse not to join in and root for 的T-breds! 


它的到来和过去一样快,一样出人意料. 不管你是在嬉闹 in a pile of leaves or enjoying the food-filled events downtown has to offer, fall is a time to connect with fellow students and the beautiful, exciting town that we 打电话回家(在雪来临之前)!



Jenny Lupoff is an art history major with a management and business minor from Westport, 连接icut. 她喜欢所有视觉事物背后精心制作的故事, 使她的两个研究领域完美结合. 虽然来自郊区, she feels truly at home in bustling cities and enjoys exploring — preferably on foot — the energy, 新地方的食物和商店.


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春季学期的特色是一系列精彩的讲座, 面板, 和讨论, where academic experts and alumni delivered talks on a range of topics and also shared advice with Skidmore students.

Katie Riker Sternberg ’90 is applying creative thought to philanthropy, supporting experiential learning for Skidmore students and another cause dear to her family — opportunities for individuals with autism.

Malika Sawadogo ’24’s Burkina Faso-inspired clothing line won the 2024 Freirich Entrepreneurship Competition and exemplified the creative, entrepreneurial spirit behind 火博体育大学’s “Shark Tank”-like competition.