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Skidmore College
Opportunity Program (OP)

Opportunity Program Newsletters

The OP Newsletter is published twice yearly, and includes news and events from the program as well as staff spotlights and social updates.

A Note from the Director

Big news about the ongoing work of OP: We’re celebrating a major milestone!
Students Gathering around a dinner table

Our community has been abuzz with excitement at the news: The Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program will be partially funded by the New York State Education Department for another five years! Between 2024 and 2029, more than $5 million will be awarded to Skidmore to help holistically support our scholars from New York. Likewise, the College continues to support non-New York students through the Academic Opportunity Program. This monumental grant signifies a renewed commitment to educational equity and ensures that deserving Opportunity Program (OP) scholars from New York and beyond will continue to thrive at Skidmore.

This grant will empower OP to continue to provide holistic support for students. We 继续努力创造一个教育氛围,在经济负担 are lifted, academic prowess is nurtured, and mental well-being is fostered through comprehensive psycho-social programs. 

Moving forward, OP will continue to take the pulse of our students to assess their needs and pivot accordingly. Our commitment to a student-centric approach will ensure 我们要充分利用我们获得的资金让每个学生 receives the precise resources they need to flourish.

Are you passionate about empowering the next generation of OP Scholars? Connect with us! OP welcomes your involvement. Reach out to and become part of something remarkable.

Students gather for a picture outside under a cherry blossom

2023-24 Events and Programming

Check out what we’ve been up to! Here’s the lowdown on all the latest awesome OP happenings.

OP has had a fantastic academic year filled with exciting events and accomplishments! We launched our programming for the fall semester with two exciting programs: the Other 4.0: IYKYK Workshop and another installment of our ever-popular vision board gathering.

The vision board activity once again helped students brainstorm goals and dreams for the year ahead, while The Other 4.0 focused on providing advice for students navigating their college journey and hidden strategies for college success beyond just grades. The programs were an amazing burst of positivity to help get the semester started on the right foot. 

During September, we also launched our monthly OP Lunch series — always a student favorite! — to give the entire OP community a chance to share some delicious meals and fuel their bodies and minds. Consistently some of our best attended events, these lunches are filled with good times, laughter, and succulent treats! 

A table with painting supplies, with painted pumpkins on the table as well.

随着秋天的到来,学生们在10月展示了他们艺术的一面 pumpkin painting event. The OP Lounge exploded with art supplies and creativity, and we saw some incredibly impressive and funny pumpkins. Following up on the fun vibes of this event, our OP Scholars Leader, Andi Ramirez ‘24, hosted an OP movie night for students to get together for some mid-semester decompressing. 

In November, we brought back another of our hit programs from the past, and students got the chance to learn new skills and enjoy delicious food during a fresh “Cooking with Kelli” session! The students were so thrilled with what they learned that they pressured Kelli into a second event a few weeks later, and “Baking with Kelli” was born!  

我们在秋季学期结束时举办了一系列活动:期末学习日工作空间 provided a quiet place for students to tackle their final assignments, while Stress Relief Activities in the OP Lounge offered relaxing crafts, stress-relief toys, and snacks to give students a chance to unwind and refocus. 

The fall semester was a whirlwind of fun and productivity, and spring is following suit. With FAFSA looming especially large for everyone this year, our first event of the spring was a partnership with the Skidmore Financial Aid Office to support students as they worked through the process. Financial Aid staff members were wonderfully 他们为学生探索新平台提供了有见地的帮助. 我们还通过我们的“表格”讨论了即将毕业的高年级学生接下来的一些重要步骤 Talk: Graduation, Now What?” workshop. OP Partnered with the Black Student Union to 下面是招生助理主任夏拉·科隆和蒂芙尼之间的对话 Kapela-Barlow ' 19和Tisch导演Njeri Jennings在唐教学博物馆谈论 survival strategies for transitioning from college to the professional world.

Students eating and socializing in a common room

在春假之前,我们把焦点放在了2026届的最后期限上 for major declaration drew near. Our Major Declaration Party turned a potentially stressful hurdle into a celebratory bash! In the OP lounge, students found themselves surrounded by snacks, music, and grab bags full of goodies as they gathered final signatures for their declaration forms. We wanted a party to acknowledge this huge step in their academic journey, and it was a smashing success!

在凯特林项目的支持下,来自俄亥俄州的OP学生去了费城 for a weekend whirlwind of culture and delicious food. They had a jam-packed schedule 文化景点,包括非洲裔美国人博物馆,那里有强大的展览 chronicled Black experiences in America, and Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History, which offered a fascinating look Jewish experiences and immigration stories. Hungry from all that learning, students dove headfirst into Reading Terminal Market and a number of local restaurants featuring Mexican and Soul Food offerings. The blend of cultural exploration and culinary delights made it a weekend to remember. 

We also kicked off some ongoing community-building events, including a Mentor-Mentee Mixer for the OP Mentoring Program and a new iteration of the OP Book Club running through the spring. Students and staff alike have been having great experiences sharing experiences and learning from each other. 

We’re looking forward to finishing out the 2023-24 academic year strong, and we’re 忙着准备一套节目来送别我们2024届的毕业生,欢迎我们的新生 Class of 2028! 

OP Student Spotlight

OP is all about our amazing students. Get ready to be wowed by all that they’re up to on campus and beyond! 

Cynthia Sales Smiles for the camera, outside with palm trees in the background

Cynthia Salas ’25

My name is Cynthia Salas. I am a first-generation college student from Queens, New York, but I grew up embracing and surrounded by my parents' Mexican culture. I am a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business. 

While in high school, I was enrolled in SEO Scholars. At SEO I was given a personal mentor to support me through the college application process. My mentor had graduated from Skidmore College, Class of 2019. Learning about her journey and experience at Skidmore influenced my decision to apply. Once I got accepted into Skidmore, my decision to enroll was due to the financial and academic support I would receive from both the S3M program and the Opportunity Program.

I’m currently embarking on a semester abroad in Barcelona. At Skidmore, I enjoy being involved all across campus. Last semester, I held two on-campus jobs: one as the office assistant of the Opportunity Program, and the other as the social media manager for the Business Department. 

This summer, I am excited to announce that I will be interning with Deloitte through its “Discovery Intern Tax” program. After graduating from Skidmore College in May 2025, I plan to pursue a master’s in accounting to meet the 150-credit requirement necessary for completing my CPA exam.

Mathew Smiles while sitting at a picnic table under a large tent

Matthew Olivos ’26

My name is Matthew, and I am a sophomore at Skidmore from Brooklyn, New York. I am 我是第一代墨西哥裔美国人,我妈妈来自特拉斯卡拉,我爸爸来自这里 from Puebla. I ended up at Skidmore because it was far enough away to get out of my comfort zone but also close enough to home. When I first got accepted into the Opportunity 当我意识到我必须参加暑期课程时,我不得不承认我很紧张. 然而,这段经历被证明是非常宝贵的,我遇到了很多了不起的人 people who are now my friends.

在学术方面,我主修国际事务,辅修环境 studies, French, and Latin American studies. I’m fascinated by international affairs because it allows me to understand how political, economic, cultural, and physical systems shape global interactions. I’m also interested in keeping up with current events and their future ramifications. Looking ahead, I aspire to work as a diplomat 在大使馆工作,或通过为环境保护组织工作,为环境倡导做出贡献 organization. 

Outside of the classroom, I’m actively involved in various clubs and organizations. 我曾担任Raíces的外联协调员,联系人们并鼓励参与 in events. Additionally, this semester I’ve taken up the role of Secretary, keeping members informed about upcoming events and opportunities. I love organizing events 为西班牙裔/拉丁美洲社区创造一个温馨的空间 home. 我也喜欢参加其他俱乐部举办的活动,如Hayat和国际 Student Union. 

When I’m not busy with school or extracurriculars, I’ll sometimes make artwork, with charcoal and water being my favorite mediums. I also really love skating, both on ice and wheels — even though I may not be the best at either! To unwind, I love playing board games and spending time with my friends.

Victore smiles while wearing a white hoodie

Victor Mina ’26

My name is Victor Mina. From childhood, sports not only shaped my identity but also sparked a passion for physical therapy, fueled by overcoming sports injuries. At Skidmore, I confronted initial academic challenges and imposter syndrome head-on, resulting 成绩有了显著的提高,并得到了生物学助教的职位.

My ambitions, however, stretch beyond classroom achievements. I'm eagerly looking forward to University at Buffalo's CLIMB UP research program this summer, where I'll immerse myself in exercise physiology research. Being part of this program is a crucial step towards my dream of being a physical therapist, where I can blend my love for sports with a desire to heal and inspire others.

Andi Smiles at a hot air balloon festival

Andi Ramirez ’24

My name is Andi Ramirez. I am from Dallas, Texas, and I am a first-generation student.

I was excited to venture to Skidmore and eager for new experiences and opportunities. 在火博体育,我找到了我的激情和兴趣,这引导我去追求商业-西班牙语 double major, an international affairs minor, and be part of various organizations. An essential part of my experience here at Skidmore has been my involvement in the Opportunity Program. The Opportunity Program has been a platform that has helped me channel and encourage my dedication to service. I’ve enjoyed working all across campus while organizing events with Raíces, OP’s Mentoring Program, and Senior Gift. 

毕业后,我正在考虑去研究生院攻读酒店管理硕士学位. I just recently received my acceptance for NYU’s Hospitality Program!


Jeremiah Mulumbi ’25

Hi there! My name is Jeremiah Mulumbi, and I am an international junior from Uganda. I have to say, my journey at Skidmore College has been amazing so far. I initially came to Skidmore to study physics. However, I found myself intrigued by the endless possibilities in the world of computer science, which prompted a switch in my major midway through my sophomore year. This was a hard decision, as I grew up wanting to 我喜欢物理,但我相信计算机科学反映了我对解决问题的热情 and innovation. I am looking forward to making a tangible impact in the tech industry.

Beyond academics, I find immense joy in a variety of interests and hobbies. Among 我特别喜欢运动,篮球和拳击是我的最爱. 运动一直是我生活中重要的一部分,因为它们是放松的源泉 and clarity for me. Moreover, I love to play chess as it challenges me to think critically as well as plan ahead. I also love taking photos, especially of nature. It rejuvenates me to immerse myself in scenic landscapes, capture candid moments with friends, and preserve memories through photography — something that my mother taught me. 

Additionally, I value engagement in campus life and actively participate in various clubs and community initiatives. I've been involved in a range of clubs such as Ujima, the International Student Union (ISU), Skidmore Codes Club, Chess Club, and more. 然而,我最喜欢的是非洲遗产意识俱乐部(AHA) on educating and promoting understanding of different parts of Africa. Serving as treasurer on the election board, I enjoyed directly contributing to event planning and educating others about Africa to dispel misconceptions.

Looking ahead, my aspirations are ambitious yet grounded in purpose. I'm passionate about addressing societal needs, with plans to create an app that supports people 通过不断的提醒来帮助他们保持在任务的轨道上. 总的来说,我希望利用我的技术专长来创造创新的解决方案 that positively impact individuals and society as a whole. I am thankful for Skidmore and the Opportunity Program for supporting me along the way.

OP staff stand in front of a blue wall.

OP Staff Updates

Catch up with our OP Staff and get the latest news from the last year. 

Kelli Rouse, director, used the fall semester to focus on the compilation of the 2024-2029 HEOP Grant RFP. It was also important to continue to meet with OP scholars on a one-on-one basis to make sure their needs were being met. We also found a little time for the “Cooking 和“和Kelli一起烘焙”系列,教学生一些烹饪技巧 and served up some delicious bites. During the spring semester, Kelli focused on planning a trip to Philadelphia for our Kettering Scholars, making sure the senior OP Class 2024 -我们唯一一个拥有完全远程暑期学术研究所经验的OP队列 — has a good send-off, and serving on two hiring committees focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Also in the spring, Kelli was featured in an article on the Skidmore website that highlighted her work as an advocate for students. She is looking forward to a professional development opportunity that will allow her to travel to Copenhagen, Sweden, to learn more about universal design within the realm of DEI work.

Travis Strattion, assistant director for student outreach, 在OP度过了充实的第一年,他的招聘和推广工作深刻 通过突出学生的巨大才能和抱负来影响他 to make a difference. Through high school visits, college fairs, and engagements with 在以社区为基础的组织中,他有幸遇到了许多例外 individuals with ambitious dreams and untapped potential. These interactions have 强调提供公平的机会和支持资源的重要性 students from diverse backgrounds in pursuing their educational goals. Witnessing 他们的热情、韧性和决心强化了他倡导的承诺 为接受高等教育和机会计划这样的项目提供包容性的机会. He has found it truly inspiring to witness the transformative impact that programs like Skidmore OP can have in empowering students to achieve their aspirations and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Meghan Navarro, coordinator of student success and retention, 在担任助理主任的新职位上度过了美好的一年,为更多的OP学者提供了建议 and adding the responsibility of supervising the OP scholars leader. Meghan has also been leading a search to fill a vacancy in the office, an Academic Counselor & STEM Advisor, which is wrapping up soon and will add another exciting responsibility and venture to her role and the office. Meghan recently attended a regional National Academic 咨询协会(NACADA)在大西洋城的会议,并彻底享受学习 从该领域的其他专业人士那里获得各种建议主题,包括第一年 seminars, the impact of language, and attentiveness to mental health. Personally, Meghan is looking forward to a two-week road trip down the east coast before heading into planning and execution of the OP Summer Academic Institute.

Devin Madkin, administrative assistant, celebrated her seventh year working for the Opportunity Program in March 2024. She 继续履行日常办公室职责,财务职责, marketing, and social media. The beginning of the semester is always the busiest for Devin处理图书和供应卡费用,报销,雇用新的工作学习 学生,为审计收集收据,为活动做营销,策划OP午餐, and planning the OP General Body Meeting. When Devin isn’t in the office, she is spending time with family and friends and traveling.

Adam Evans, learning associate for humanities/social sciences, had a great fall teaching his academic writing courses and kept busy through the spring supporting students with their writing across the curriculum. During the fall, Adam also played a key role in writing and editing a vital HEOP grant, which will ensure continued financial assistance to our students for the next five years. While bittersweet about seeing this year's graduating seniors depart, Adam is immensely proud of their accomplishments. He is excited to witness the impact they will make on the world and looks forward to staying connected with them as they embark on the next chapter of their journeys. Outside of the office, Adam spent plenty of time hanging with his family and snuck in a couple fishing trips to Montana and Florida. 

Alumni News

OP Alumni, please reach out! We want to hear from you!

We love getting exciting news from our alumni across the globe. Once a part of the OP family, always a part of the OP family! If you’d like to be featured in an Alumni Spotlight, get in touch! 

Alumni Spotlight: Bao Feng ’21

Bao Feng smiles for the camera, wearing a navy polo shirt.

My name is Bao, and I am a first-generation student who graduated from Skidmore in 2021. I was born in China but lived most of my life in Costa Rica. While at Skidmore, my dream had always been to pursue a career in medicine and become a physician. From day one, I committed to the pre-med path and fell in love with the sciences, which led me to pursue a major in Biology and later a minor in Chemistry.

However, the path to medicine was not as easy as I thought, especially with regard to gaining admission to medical school. I was devastated by the outcome of my first medical school application, which ended with no acceptance.

Although I did not get into medical school, I did not give up. Following my graduation, 我最终在麻省理工学院和哈佛大学的博德研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)寻求助理研究员的职位. For the past few years, I devoted myself to learning about cancer research and what it takes to develop new cancer treatments. In my role, I particularly focus on using CRISPR gene editing technology to discover new drug targets against different types of cancers. My work has revealed novel targets that can be exploited against lung, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer. I am excited that these results will be published 将在不久的将来发表在科学杂志上,并将提供该领域的新见解 of cancer research.

Through this role, I learned the importance of incorporating research into my future career as a physician, and it has inspired me to become a physician-scientist. Following 在上个学期我重新申请医学院时,我被许多学校录取了 medical school programs. Although my initial plan did not work out, I am grateful for my experience as a Research Associate. It made me realize my passion for helping cancer patients. As an aspiring oncologist, my hope is to use research as a means to bring hope to those patients who are suffering from incurable cancer. For the next four years, I will be working toward my goal.

Alumni Interest Form

The Opportunity Program is excited to have our alumni connect with current students, and there are multiple ways to get involved. Please check out our Alumni Interest Form to complete a short survey regarding ways you might be interested in engaging current OP students.

Alumni Interest Form

Alumni Engagement Network

和往常一样,我们继续建立我们的LinkedIn网络,联系Skidmore OP的学生, alumni, and staff. If you’re on LinkedIn, please join the group and get connected!

Join Our LinkedIn Group